by Lauren » Thu May 01, 2014 7:37 pm
Kev wrote:Braking technique affects temperatures massively. You could be lighter on the brakes over a longer distance and it will generate more heat than leaving braking to the last minute, with shorter braking zone and then longer cooling times in between corners.
The discs warp way too easily, from what I recall it was there within a lap or two. I could only brake sharply as the judder was terrible. I've tracked many, many cars, but never had the problems I've had with this one. There must be something fundamentally wrong with the brakes, but I'm not sure what it is.
[quote="Kev"]Braking technique affects temperatures massively. You could be lighter on the brakes over a longer distance and it will generate more heat than leaving braking to the last minute, with shorter braking zone and then longer cooling times in between corners.[/quote]
The discs warp way too easily, from what I recall it was there within a lap or two. I could only brake sharply as the judder was terrible. I've tracked many, many cars, but never had the problems I've had with this one. There must be something fundamentally wrong with the brakes, but I'm not sure what it is.